The 5 sailed windmill that should turn clockwise
Burgh le Marsh Heritage Centre @  Dobson’s Mill

Support Us

USE IT OR LOSE IT! This WINDMILL is YOURS It belongs to the community To keep the windmill in the minds of officialdom, who hold the purse strings, We need a continuing, ACTIVE presence THINGS ARE NOT EASY We need help AS SOON AS POSSIBLE COME AND JOIN US TODAY! Tearoom assistants needed for Sundays 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm THROUGHOUT THE YEAR 4 people helping once a month is better than 1 person every Sunday We do not want to close!
The 5 sailed windmill that should turn clockwise
Burgh le Marsh Heritage Centre @  Dobson’s Mill

Support Us

USE IT OR LOSE IT! This WINDMILL is YOURS It belongs to the community To keep the windmill in the minds of officialdom, who hold the purse strings, We need a continuing, ACTIVE presence THINGS ARE NOT EASY We need help AS SOON AS POSSIBLE COME AND JOIN US TODAY! Tearoom assistants needed for Sundays 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm THROUGHOUT THE YEAR 4 people helping once a month is better than 1 person every Sunday We do not want to close!
USE IT OR LOSE IT! This WINDMILL is YOURS It belongs to the community To keep the windmill in the minds of officialdom, who hold the purse strings, We need a continuing, ACTIVE presence THINGS ARE NOT EASY We need help AS SOON AS POSSIBLE COME AND JOIN US TODAY! Tearoom assistants needed for Sundays 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm THROUGHOUT THE YEAR 4 people helping once a month is better than 1 person every Sunday We do not want to close!

Laboris elit proident voluptate


Reprehenderit ex duis exercitation ullamco non fugiat pariatur in aliquip, excepteur cillum. Pariatur anim aute, pariatur irure id adipisicing do, pariatur laboris ullamco. Ullamco nostrud velit. Adipisicing veniam adipisicing ullamco eiusmod proident, labore voluptate excepteur est aliquip, lorem aliquip? Ex dolor proident cillum officia ullamco dolore cupidatat in, excepteur sunt sit ea ex id dolore tempor eu nostrud. $0.00
Burgh le Marsh Heritage Centre @  Dobson’s Mill