In 1975 a group of enthusiasts set up Burgh le Marsh History Group.This group continued until it merged with the Friends of Burgh le MarshWindmillandthenewlyformedHeritageGroupin2014.Meetings had been held regularly on Monday evenings during the winter months. To boost attendance, the meetings are now held on aMondayafternoon.
In order to maintain a level of speaker attendance at a reasonable cost to members, we include regular DVD viewings to spread the overall rate, compensating for the travel expenses etc paid out at other meetings. Meetings begin at 2pm on Monday during the Winter months in the Granary Heritage Centre.
New Calendar below
The 5 sailed windmill that should turn clockwise
In 1975 a group of enthusiasts set up Burgh le Marsh History Group.This group continued until it merged with the Friends of Burgh le MarshWindmillandthenewlyformedHeritageGroupin2014.Meetings had been held regularly on Monday evenings during the winter months. To boost attendance, the meetings are now held on aMondayafternoon.
In order to maintain a level of speaker attendance at a reasonable cost to members, we include regular DVD viewings to spread the overall rate, compensating for the travel expenses etc paid out at other meetings. Meetings begin at 2pm on Monday during the Winter months in the Granary Heritage Centre.